法国的建筑法包括一系列非常具体的法律规定. Constructors and subcontractor are very protected in France, which entails a reversal of the burden of proof. According to French construction law, in the event of dispute, 参与建设项目的各方必须能够向客户证明,在整个项目期间,他们遵守了法律建设规定和提供咨询的义务. In case of larger construction projects, 这意味着施工现场的公司必须以书面和挂号信的形式履行举证责任,以便在发生争议时提供必要的函件.
Construction law for subcontractors in France
分包商受法国建筑法的法律保护. 分包商必须以书面形式登记并经施工业主批准. 此外,必须签订书面分包商协议.
In case of private construction contracts, 支付给分包商的款项由付款保函担保(1975年12月31日第75-1347号法律). 根据法国建筑法,分包商不能放弃这种保护. As long as the payment guarantee has not been provided, 分包合同无效,可由分包商单方面终止. If a payment guarantee has not been put in place, the subcontractor may, upon demand, cease its work and sue for damages. 此外,合同规定的固定价格不再适用.
至于公共工程合约,则无须提供付款保证. According to public construction law in France, the client is obliged to pay the subcontractor 1st rank.
Suppliers are exempt from this requirement. 然而,区分供应商和分包商并不总是那么容易.
Construction law for constructors in France
According to French construction law, 提供付款担保的义务不仅存在于总承包商和分包商之间, 也可以在客户和总承包商或建筑师和/或规划办公室之间进行. According to Art. 1799-1 of the French Civil Code, 发包人必须向施工承包人提供合同全部金额的付款担保. 如果这个保证没有到位,承包商可以停止其工作.
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Guarantees under France construction law
There are three different legal guarantees in France: Garantie de Parfait achèvement, Garantie Biennale and Garantie Décennale.
All parties involved in construction projects, such as construction companies, architects, owners and planning offices, are impacted by French provisions on warranties.
First of all, French law sets out a mandatory one-year warranty period, the so-called Garantie de Parfait achèvement. Under this legal warranty, the parties involved in a construction project must remedy, at their own expense, 在验收协议中明确列出的所有缺陷,以及发生的所有隐藏缺陷——无论其性质如何——这些缺陷不仅仅是磨损的迹象.
For two years following acceptance, the so-called biannual guarantee runs. According to this legal guarantee, 施工公司负责维修或更换, at its own expense, any equipment that is not functioning properly. 设备在这里被定义为可以从建筑物中分离出来而不会损坏建筑物的建筑构件.g. roller shutters).
In France, there is also the so-called Garantie Décennale i.e. the ten-year warranty. Under this French guarantee, 建造者对影响建筑物坚固性或预期用途的损坏负有责任.
Décennale warranty insurance
The ten-year warranty, the Garantie Décennale,要求法国的建筑商在整个期间购买保险. 所谓的dsamenale保险是一种强制性保险,它也影响到所有在法国工作的非法国承包商和建筑师.
对于外国建筑公司来说,找到一家“跨国保险公司”并不总是那么容易。. 外国建筑公司获得这种保险可能需要6-8个月的时间.
If several construction sites are carried out in France, 保险费用是根据公司的年营业额计算的. Here, 公司可能破产对保险人的十年担保义务没有影响.
In addition to the Décennale insurance, 建筑商必须购买建筑工地损害保险, the so-called Dommage-ouvrage. This insurance covers future damages following acceptance. 建筑工地损害保险使建筑商能够迅速得到经济赔偿. 这意味着建筑商不必等待法院判决和专家诉讼来决定各自的责任.
Commercial leases
在法国,商业租赁是指从事商业或工业活动的房屋租赁. 该房屋必须用于商业活动. 商业租赁合同受法国商法管辖,是法国商法的组成部分 Fonds de Commerce.
商业租赁的期限通常至少为9年. 不过,房东和租客也可以签订一份期限较长的合同. 不可能订立无限期的商业租赁合同.
在商业租赁终止的情况下,业主必须支付租户驱逐补偿金. The tenant may terminate after 3 or 6 years of the contract. However, the landlord can only terminate in exceptional cases. In order to terminate the commercial lease, 租客必须在3年或6年租期终止前至少6个月以挂号信形式向房东发出书面通知.
Construction law in France – specialist lawyers at Alaris Law
The lawyers at Alaris Law advise French, English and international construction companies, subcontractors, builders, 项目开发商和/或建筑师对法国建筑法. As lawyers specialized in French construction law, 我们可以在施工开始前协助您, 在合同谈判和起草合同过程中. Alaris律师对法国的法律条款和当地适用的法规有深入的了解. 我们在法庭内外的专家诉讼以及法国国家法院诉讼中代表您.
作为法国公共和私人建筑法的专业律师, 我们还协助您处理施工合同和规格. 我们的专业律师将伴随您的建设项目的执行,并减轻您处理各种保险政策和银行担保的负担.